Hiring Someone Smarter Than You Are
One of the best ways to look after the success of your company is to ensure that you hire intelligently. That may mean hiring someone who is smarter than you are and that is a problem for many people. You need to find the most qualified and the most capable of candidates. Those are often going to be people whose intelligence and whose skills exceed yours.
In many cases hiring managers or HR people are intimidated by the idea of hiring someone—or even interviewing someone—who may know more than they do or be more skilled than they are in some area. This person may even be seen as someone who will be threatening on the job.
Hiring managers in particular will find it difficult to hire above themselves but they must do so in order to ensure that the company moves forward. Doing any less is detrimental to your team and to your company.
The number one problem with hiring is that sometimes ego gets in the way of hiring and your company can end up hiring people who are less intelligent or less skilled. Some people may hire employees who are less skilled than you need so that they don’t outshine those who are already there or who are involved in the hiring process.
If they are not as intelligent or do not possess all of the skills that you need, the reason for hiring them is non existent.
The key is to teach everyone in the business to hire for competency and for the best effect. Ask yourself as you hire or interview, is this someone from whom I can learn and what can I take away from an association with this person.
Choose candidates who are going to complete your team. Make it a point to choose those with both hard skills and soft skills and to ensure that the people you hire are as intelligent—or more so—than you and rest of the team.